1949 Whistling Swans set plus unissued 10c and 16c.
objekt nr.:106
Start bud:1200 SEK
1947 Parcels Post 1st and 2nd Peking print complete set.
objekt nr.:107
Start bud:1600 SEK
1912 Opt "ROC" on 1c Postage Due 1c with opt inverted, with left margin. SG retire cv £875.
objekt nr.:108
Start bud:4000 SEK
1912 Imperial unissued Postage Due 5c optd brown with "ROC" imperforated on top variety, unlisted....
objekt nr.:109
Start bud:2000 SEK
1945 2nd Central Trust print Postage Due stamp $8 in pair with imperforate between variety. Chan:D...
objekt nr.:110
Start bud:500 SEK
1927 Kirin & Heilungkiang 2nd Peking print Junk optd "Limited For Use in Ki-Hei" ½c to $2.
objekt nr.:111
Start bud:600 SEK
1928 Kirin & Heilungkiang Assumption of Marshal Chang Tso Lin optd "For Use In Ki-He" set, $1 only ...
objekt nr.:112
Start bud:400 SEK
1929 Kirin & Heilungkiang Unification of China opt with "For Ki-He Use" set, $1 only 55000 issued.
objekt nr.:113
Start bud:400 SEK
1929 Kirin & Heilungkiang State Burial of SYS optd with "For Use in Ki-Hei " set,$1 only 55000 issu...
objekt nr.:114
Start bud:350 SEK
1948 North Eastern Prov Peking Central Print Parcel Post $5000000optd and surcharged with "Limited ...
objekt nr.:115
Start bud:3000 SEK
1948 North Eastern Prov Peking Central Print Parcel stamp $5000000 surcharged with $500000.
objekt nr.:116
Start bud:1500 SEK
1923 Sinkiang Adoption of the Constitution for Sinkiang Use set, 10c sold only 34164ex.
objekt nr.:117
Start bud:300 SEK
1923 Sinkiang Adoption of the Constitution for Sinkiang Use set, 10c sold only 34164ex.
objekt nr.:118
Start bud:300 SEK
1928 Sinkiang Chang Tso-lin optd with "For Sinkiang Use" set, $1 only 20000 issued.
objekt nr.:119
Start bud:400 SEK
1929 Sinkiang Unification of China opt with "For Sinkiang Use" set, $1 only 51000 issued.
objekt nr.:120
Start bud:400 SEK
1929 Sinkiang State Burial of Dr Sun Yat-sen optd "For Sinkiang Use" set, $1 only 51000 issued.
objekt nr.:121
Start bud:400 SEK
1933 Sinkiang Peking opt on 2nd London print SYS $1. Plus 1c Chinkiang Local Post, ROC 20c on 16c S...
objekt nr.:122
Start bud:100 SEK
1936 Sinkiang 2nd Peking print 6c Junk brown optd with "Limited For Sinkiang Province Use" block of...
objekt nr.:123
Start bud:1000 SEK
1942 Sinkiang 5 different Airmail stamps optd with red "For Limited Use in Sinkiang". Two with wmk...
objekt nr.:124
Start bud:80 SEK
1933 Szechwan 2nd Peking print Junk optd with "Limited For Use in Szechwan" set.
objekt nr.:125
Start bud:400 SEK
1929 Yunnan Prov State Burial of SYS optd with "For Use in Yunnan Province" set,$1 only 51000 issue...
objekt nr.:126
Start bud:400 SEK